Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The nights just fly by

I am now in the midst of my third attempt at reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian and I swear that this will be the time that I successfully complete it.  Based on my experiences with it (past and present) I definitely agree with the comparisons to Moby Dick, not only in literary 'value' but in pure difficulty to actually read.  I feel like I should dive more deeply in McCarthy's work again now that The Road is being released as a movie shortly and after watching No Country For Old Men for the second time last weekend.  While his range is certainly limited, if you want a kickass book set in Texas, about cowboys with a penchant for brutal violence, he is the author you should go to immediately.

Ps. It still weirds me out that The Road was an "Oprah Book Club" selection.

I also recently experienced Winnipeg's newest 'avant-garde' musician, which is one of the few times I've ever actually cringed while listening to something.  It's like a delightful mashup of Wesley Willis and electro, lo-fi/no-fi bedroom artists like This Song Is A Mess But So Am I, Casiotone For The Painfully Alone and Xiu Xiu at its worst.  This is probably a good indication of why anyone from Winnipeg with an experimental bent either never plays shows or moved away.  It just sucks because I actually totally don't hate the person behind the project. 

If anything this has suggested to me that maybe I should get off my ass, spend the cash and start buying some more equipment and start recording something that I feel is interesting.  Despite the fact that I am painfully non-musical (at least in my experience) I feel that sitting down and programming a drum machine or setting up a sequencer is way more my speed than strumming a guitar.  It's just hard when most of your income is spent on not so fun adult things like kitchen supplies and stuff to better organize your bathroom.  Here's to hoping for an preposterously enormous tax return.....

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